Hunt Seat Class of 2026
Jumpers & Hunters
Qualified for Gladstone Cup, Maclay Regionals, Dover Medal Finals, NHS Hamel Finals, and USHJA Jump Seat Medal Finals
10th Place Finish at NCEA East Coast Medal Finals
Reserve Champion Age Group Equitation at WEF
Top 5 Placings in Competitive Venues out of 30+ Riders
Numerous Top 3 Finishes in the Dover, NHS Hamel, NCEA Medal, Jump Seat, & Age Group Equitation
Qualified for Junior Hunter Finals - 2023
12th Place Finish at Junior Hunter Finals
Top Ten Placings in USHJA National Hunter Derbies
Reserve Champion High Children's Jumpers in WEF
Winner of the Children's Jumper Classic out of 35 at Pin Oak Charity Horse Show
As a sophomore from San Antonio, Texas I am currently competing in the Junior Hunters and 3'6" Equitation, and High Children's Jumpers. I train with Kalli Smith at Monarch Stables in Austin, Texas where I have qualified for numerous final championships such as NCEA East Coast Medal Finals, Junior Hunter Finals, and NHS Hamel Medal Finals.
From starting the equitation less than a year ago, I am excited about the progress I have made. I attended the NCEA East Coast Medal Finals for my first time and placed 10th overall. My proudest achievement with my junior hunter Leti, is placing 12th at Junior Hunter Finals in 2023. With my jumper, Jolie, I have won competitive classes out of 35+ at prestigious venues. I am fortunate to have ridden three horses that have broadened my skillset, making me comfortable and confident while riding horses with varying temperaments, including sensitive, hot, cold, lazy, and green ones.
In addition to riding my own horses in Austin, I would ride three days a week at a western barn, Reid Thomas Performance Horses, near my hometown in San Antonio. He would help me with my equitation on the flat and I was always able to ride extra horses he had.
I am currently pursuing my academics at Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School, where I've maintained a GPA of 3.5 (unweighted) and currently taking all honors level courses. I've been active in National Charity League where I have received awards such as Presidential Volunteer Service Award, Ticktocker Service Award, Star Award, and the Mother Daughter Service Award for over 200 hours of community service. In addition to being heavily involved in the community, I am also involved with my church where I volunteer Wednesday evenings and help lead sermon discussions with middle-school aged girls.
Between academic pursuits, community service and equestrian commitments, I'm passionate about elevating both my scholarly and riding skills, aiming to combine them as I venture into college.

Additional Information
NCEA #: 2304850365
USEF #: 5482432
School: Boerne-Samuel V. Champion High School
GPA: 3.5 (Unweighted)
YouTube Channel: @RyleighRichardson
Instagram: @ryleigh.eq